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24/7/365 Emergency Services


Stoner Electric is here for you with 24/7 Emergency Response Service every day of the year.

If you have an after-hours emergency involving your electrical, fire alarm or security systems and require a Stoner Electric electrician or technician at your facility, please call us now at (503) 462-6500 and we will respond immediately.

For non-emergency needs, please contact us by choosing:


The Stoner Electric Group has a strong safety culture and is actively engaged in their employee’s safety, health and the safety of the other trades working on the job beside them.

The Stoner Safety Department maintains a high level of involvement on projects, assisting and offering assistance where needed. They regularly attend construction industry safety related meetings and when called upon to share electrical safety knowledge they have responded quickly and will also conduct on site “Tool Box Talks” safety meetings in support of the General Contractors Safety Program. The Stoner Safety Director also has an extremely strong knowledge of required rules, and regulations and leads with industry Best Practices. Dave [Jacobsen] also assists many including the AGC Safety Management Consultant team with additional basic electrical safety training.

Peggy LaVaque
Safety Management Consultant, AGC Oregon Columbia Chapter

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